Thursday, 6 August 2009

Taipei zoo

entrance ... the Taiwanese girl is really scratching the back of the stone monkey


By far the most exciting animals in the whole zoo where a group of Formosan Macaques. I almost forgot the time while watching them and had to hurry up afterwards in order to see the rest of the zoo.
But they were just too funny. If I wouldn't know better I would say they have a great sense for subtle humor. And they give fantastic parodies of human behavior.

some macaques lining up on top of the rock

One of the older macaques was an incredibly gifted comedian. Unfortunately I didn't a picture of him swinging his legs over the trunk but it was hilarious ...

He seemed a little bit bored and watched the others jumping around and fighting for some bananas for a while.
I bet he was thinking to himself: 'what a bunch of stupid monkeys!'and then turned away from the spectacle ...

If anybody needs a proof that humans evolved from apes ... take a look at these comical buddies. They show not only traces of human behavior, they are ...

... exactly like us!

I will restrict this entry to pictures of our relatives. But I was not so lucky with the other ones after I visited the macaques.

The gorillas were sleeping and the only active one changed from rubbing his back on the wall to laying on the ground and watching the sky.

And the orangutan refused defiantly to look at me. I sat on his tree trunk with his back towards me when I arrived, then hopped to the other side and again turned his back on me as if I was not worth to get a glance at his front.
Maybe he was just bored of all the silly humans staring at him while he was dreaming of yummy bananas.

side-face of an orangutan

1 comment:

Theresa Cha said...

This zoo is vaaaaaaaaaaast.... looks like situated in a forest! It's so much lively than the one in Osaka that I visited recently.